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Process Audit

Process Audit helps you to analyse the life cycle of a component (raw material in to finish component out). Whether it is material handling, machining, maintenance, inspection, packing etc. small lapses of time or underutilisation of capacity leads to hidden costs which cannot be calculated. Hidden costs drag down productivity which naturally increase costs. We can help you to do a Process Audit of your setup to analyse the hidden costs and establish the best productive solutions.

Setup Audit

Setting up a new plant or enhancing your current setup? Each and everybody involved in the project will have different ideas appertaining to their area of work which leads to difference of opinion. Finally, investments are made, not considering long term goals, but to satisfy the different stakeholders. Corners are cut in crucial areas for short term gains which leads to re-thinking or re-vamping, leading to unnecessary further investments. Such situations call for an impartial referee to streamline views and help in the execution. We can be your referee.

Chip Audit

Cost per component is directly proportional to how effectively chips are produced. The best way to produce chips effectively is to reduce RPM. Reduce RPM?? Yes, you must reduce Rupees Per Minute. Each revolution of your machine spindle costs you money. We can help you to select the best cost-effective metal cutting solutions in the market among the myriad choices.

Shop Floor Audit

Ergonomics helps to work competently in an inexpensive way. Effective ergonomics helps to reduce operator fatigue, risk of injury and other related hassles. Creating a user-friendly work environment will increase productivity and maintain quality. We can help you to identify the pain areas on your shop floor and advise on the most suitable ergonomic equipment.

4th Industrial Revolution

We are in the middle of 4th Industrial Revolution. To reap the benefits of this revolution, stalwarts of industry enterprises have Industry 4.0 on top of their agenda. Are you Industry 4.0 ready? Linking our services with communication and connectivity will help your first step towards the goal. Let us have a discussion on this.